Zubatkin Participates in Annual Rooftops NYC Conference

Zubatkin Participates in Annual Rooftops NYC Conference

This morning, our very own Jason Zubatkin presented at the virtual 10th Annual Rooftops Conference NYC 2020, “ a symposium for the not-for-profit sector focused on the role of real estate — owned, leased, or hosted physical space — in the operations, financial performance, and achievement of mission by not-for-profit organizations of all sizes and mission types.” Jason joined other industry professionals in addressing real estate and space needs for achieving core objectives for organizations, sharing his expertise in Site Search: Setting Goals & Criteria. For more information on the Rooftops Project and their events, please visit the Rooftops Project website.

New Museum, Planet Word, Opens in Washington, DC

New Museum, Planet Word, Opens in Washington, DC

We’re excited to share that Planet Word in Washington, DC officially opened its doors to the public on Thursday!  Planet Word is a new, start-up museum with a mission of inspiring a love of words and language. The project features nine permanent galleries, each with their own voice-activated experience; a standalone, puzzle-solving gallery; a voice-activated 22-foot-high Word Wall; and a 5,000-LED globe with word games.

“I am so thrilled to open Planet Word’s doors to the public and cannot imagine a more fitting time for a museum of language to open in our nation’s capital. Democracy depends on literate citizens. I hope that Planet Word can provide a forum for civil discourse and a place where our community, in all its vibrant diversity, can gather to share the words that bridge differences and forge solutions.” Museum Founder & CEO Ann Friedman said in a statement.

Zubatkin is very proud to have played a role in supporting this important institution, and we look forward to its continued success.  Read the full announcement on The Washington Post, and watch the virtual ribbon cutting video here.

Congratulations Planet Word!

Jewish Home at Rockleigh Construction Progress

Jewish Home at Rockleigh Construction Progress

We’re excited to share that the Jewish Home of Rockleigh’s short-term rehab and aquatic center building is continuing to advance and is now officially out of the ground! A timelapse video of the past two weeks of construction can be found here. When completed, the overall project will allow the Jewish Home to expand its services to outpatients and create a better experience for everyone using their rehabilitation services.

Kasey Pace Participates in DIG This Panel

Kasey Pace Participates in DIG This Panel

Our very own Kasey Pace, Senior Project Manager, is serving as a Panelist for the DIG This My Story Panel. As a collaboration among CREWNY, CREW Foundation and Nontraditional Employment for Women (NEW), DIG This features a series of professional development talks that touch on a variety of topics relevant to women pursuing a career in the construction industry.

“The Program will focus on the Development Lifecycle to educate NEW graduates about Commercial Real Estate careers available to them beyond the construction trades, culminating with a Mock RFP Team Challenge: NEW graduate teams will develop project proposals responding to a Mock RFP, and present them to a panel of distinguished judges, which will determine the winners.” Learn more about the program by visiting the CREWNY webpage. Note that participation is limited to NEW graduates, and is by special invitation only.

Latest AK360 Project Progress

Latest AK360 Project Progress

We’re excited to report that the Albright-Knox expansion is moving along as planned and continues to make good progress. According to Museum Director, Janne Sirén, “We remain on track, on budget, and on schedule,” Read the full story here.

While the gallery will remain closed to the public until 2022, Albright Knox-Northland, a satellite location, re-opened to the public last weekend, featuring the exhibition Swoon: Seven Contemplations. The exhibit will run through January 10th, 2021. Read more about the re-opening here.

Zubatkin has been working with the Albright-Knox since 2015 on the development of the project implementation strategy, management of the design and approvals, and construction administration.

New Year’s Eve Ball Drop Celebration in Times Square Will be Virtually Enhanced

New Year’s Eve Ball Drop Celebration in Times Square Will be Virtually Enhanced

We’re excited to share that the upcoming New Year’s Eve celebration in Times Square will be virtually enhanced so that everyone can enjoy the Ball drop safely. “The world desperately needs to come together symbolically and virtually to celebrate the people and things we love and to look forward with a sense of renewal and new beginnings,” said Tim Tompkins, president of the Times Square Alliance and co-producer of the event. Learn more on NBC News.
Zubatkin is proud to be working with Jamestown in support of the planning and implementation of this work at the iconic One Times Square building.
Visit: One Times Square’s Instagram Page.


Belvedere Castle and St. Anselm & St. Roch Honored at the 30th Annual Lucy G. Moses Awards

Belvedere Castle and St. Anselm & St. Roch Honored at the 30th Annual Lucy G. Moses Awards

We’re excited to share that two of our restoration projects, Belvedere Castle and the Church of St. Anselm & St. Roch, will be honored at The New York Landmarks Conservancy’s Annual Lucy G. Moses Awards. The Moses Awards are the Conservancy’s highest honors for outstanding preservation, and celebrates its 30th Anniversary this year. The virtual awards will be hosted tonight beginning at 6 PM EST. Congratulations to the Central Park Conservancy and Archdiocese of New York on this achievement!

USGA Announces Second Home in Pinehurst, NC

USGA Announces Second Home in Pinehurst, NC

We’re pleased to share that our longtime client, the United States Golf Association (USGA), has announced plans for a second home in Pinehurst, North Carolina. The project will establish a combined visitor center and museum, offices for USGA staff, and a technologically advanced test center – the only one of its kind in America – to test golf balls and golf clubs. The USGA’s primary headquarters, the USGA Golf Museum and Library and Arnold Palmer Center for Golf History will continue to operate in New Jersey.

Zubatkin has been working with the USGA since 2002 and has been involved in supporting the organization’s site selection efforts and due diligence evaluations for the Pinehurst location. Learn more about the project in Golf Digest Magazine, The Pilot, and the News Observer.

For more information about Zubatkin’s work with USGA, please visit our USGA Administrative Headquarters and USGA Museum project pages.

Planet Word Scheduled to Open 10/22 in Washington, DC

Planet Word Scheduled to Open 10/22 in Washington, DC

We are thrilled to share that Planet Word in Washington, DC will officially open its doors to the public on a limited basis on October 22nd!  The Museum features “playful, interactive, and unique experiences that will help visitors of all ages discover the fun of words and language and build literacy skills.” Zubatkin was responsible for managing the exhibit development and installation work for the project. Read the full announcement on Planet Word’s website. Congratulations on this important milestone!

Siwanoy Country Club Renovation Nears Completion

Siwanoy Country Club Renovation Nears Completion

We are very excited to share that the Siwanoy Country Club renovation project is approaching completion!  The Club held a soft opening in the final weekend of August, and the initial feedback from members has been overwhelmingly positive.  The team expects to have the full Certificate of Occupancy (CofO) in-hand later this month.  Congratulations to the whole project team on this milestone!

Superblue Launches New, Innovative Arts Experience

Superblue Launches New, Innovative Arts Experience

We’re delighted to share the public launch of Superblue, a new, innovative arts venture that aims to bring experiential and immersive art exhibits to diverse audiences.  Through individual Experiential Art Centers (or EACs for short), exhibits will include deep dives into the works of notable artists like JR, a French photographer who focuses on social justice issues; James Turrell, a light and space artist; and teamlab, a Japanese Art Collective.

Zubatkin is collaborating with Superblue on its first location in Miami, where a formerly abandoned industrial building across from the Rubell Museum is being transformed to present the work of multiple artists.  The team has been responsible for overseeing the design and construction of the Miami EAC, as well as managing the development of the exhibits.  Superblue is expecting to open other such centers in the future in the United States, Europe and Asia.  For more on this New York Times story, click here.

Congratulations to Superblue on this new venture!

Museums Reopen in the Berkshires

Museums Reopen in the Berkshires

It’s inspiring to see some good news in the cultural sector, as museums in the Berkshires have reopened to the public after a period of lockdown.  We’re especially excited to see our client, the Clark Art Institute, featured in the New York Times.  The art critic shares that “it’s the historical collection of the Clark, which generously kept its grounds open to the Williamstown public throughout the lockdown, that feels most meaningful to return to.”  Read more at the following link.

We look forward to seeing more institutions join the Clark in opening their doors to the public in a safe way!

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